Implicit Partial Application Considered Harmful


I assume familiarity with the Haskell programming language or some other language that supports calling a function with less arguments than the function's signature requires. This is called "partial application of a function".

Consider the following function-call expression in Haskell:

(alpha beta gamma)

What can be deduced?

  • alpha is a function (either imported or in a variable).

In most languages (that disallow implicit partial application) you could additionally deduce:

  • alpha takes exactly 2 arguments
  • The expression’s return type matches that of alpha.

Neither of those two properties are necessarily true in Haskell.

Case 1: alpha takes exactly 2 arguments

In this case, the expression behaves as you’d expect in any other language. In particular:

  • alpha takes exactly 2 arguments
  • The expression’s return type matches that of alpha.

Case 2: alpha takes more than 2 arguments

In this case, the expression is a partial application of alpha, and would be perhaps better read as:

(\ ... -> alpha beta gamma ...)

Or, in a more C-like notation:

function (...) { return alpha(beta, gamma, ...); }


  • alpha takes exactly 2+K arguments, for some unknown K.
  • The expression returns a function of K arguments.

Case 3: alpha takes less than 2 arguments

Let’s say alpha takes 1 argument. This would be intuitively read as:

((alpha beta) gamma)

After this reformulation you need to recursively examine the new expression.

In this example, we can deduce:

  • (alpha beta) returns an anonymous function of (at least) 1 argument.
  • If this anonymous function takes 1 argument, then it is just called with gamma, and the original expression’s return type matches the return type of the anonymous function.
  • If this anonymous function takes more than one argument (1+K), then it is partially applied to gamma, and yet another anonymous function (that takes K parameters) is returned as the result of the original expression.


What a mess. If alpha does not in fact take two arguments then I have to exert non-trivial effort to derive the type of the expression - or even what the expression semantics are.

Reducing the Ambiguity

There are two ways I can see to simplify these weird cases:

Make partial application explicit

Then we would see syntax like:

-- alpha takes 2 arguments
-- return type matches that of alpha
(alpha beta gamma)

-- alpha takes 2+K arguments;
-- return type is a partially applied K-argument function
(alpha beta gamma ...)   

-- alpha takes 1 argument and returns a 1-argument function;
-- expression's return type matches that of the 1-argument function
((alpha beta) gamma)

-- alpha takes 1 argument and returns a (1+K)-argument function;
-- expression's return type is a partially applied K-argument function
((alpha beta) gamma ...)

Notice that each conceptually different case now has a unique syntactic representation - it’s no longer just (alpha beta gamma) for all cases.

Use a grouping operator for function application

For example parentheses could be used instead of a space to signify function calls.

Using a grouping operator syntactically prohibits relying on the left-associativity of space for partial function application, since a grouping operator doesn’t have associativity.

If you combined this suggestion with the explicit syntax extension above, you would get syntax like:

-- alpha takes 2 arguments
-- return type matches that of alpha
alpha(beta, gamma)

-- alpha takes 2+K arguments;
-- return type is a partially applied K-argument function
alpha(beta, gamma, ...)   

-- alpha takes 1 argument and returns a 1-argument function;
-- expression's return type matches that of the 1-argument function

-- alpha takes 1 argument and returns a (1+K)-argument function;
-- expression's return type is a partially applied K-argument function
alpha(beta)(gamma, ...)

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I originally got bitten by this syntactic ambiguity when trying to decipher the meaning of:

(flip (/) 20)

I was not previously familar with flip and so I assumed that it took two arguments, a function (namely (/)) and a non-function (namely 20). And that it probably returned a function, since its surrounding context expected a function.

In fact flip takes only one argument and thus is more clearly written as:

((flip (/)) 20)

And inlined further to be the lower-order:

(\x -> x / 20)

And, if desired, further rewritten to be the more-compact:

(/ 20)

This last form uses partial application to fill in the first argument of /, which is obvious since / is a well-known built-in infix operator that requires an unspecified left argument.