Database clamps: Deterministic performance tests for database-dependent code

If you’ve got a moderate-sized Django web application then you’re probably already writing automated tests to make sure none of its pages break unexpectedly when you’re making changes to them. That is, you’re testing page functionality.

However another way that pages can break is that they take too long to display, or otherwise don’t have enough performance. The very first Django application I deployed to customers got crushed with only 12 concurrent users! How embarassing! 🤭 I hadn’t even bothered to do basic performance testing before that initial deployment because I didn’t think it was possible for such a small number of expected users to bring down my site. I now know better and require that any new web page have automated performance tests before being deployed to customers.

There are many kinds of performance tests, but right now I’d like to focus on automated database performance tests, or what I like to call database clamps:

What are they?

A database clamp measures the number of database queries issued when a web page is being rendered server-side. For example:

from django.test import TestCase

class TodoListPageTests(TestCase):

    def test_todo_list_mdp(self):  # mdp = maintains database performance
        self.client.login(username='user', password='password')
        with self.assertNumQueries(3):  # <-- DATABASE CLAMP
            response = self.client.get(reverse('todo:list'))
            self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code)

Here, assertNumQueries is used to clamp the number of database queries issued when the todo:list page is rendered server-side. If any changes are made to the the page that increases (or otherwise changes) the number of database queries issued, then the test will detect the change and fail.

Why are they useful?

Database clamps are particularly useful for web applications because server-side rendering time is typically dominated by database query time. If you get your database access patterns under control then it’s likely the remaining server-side rendering time will be negligible.

Also, unlike most other kinds of performance tests, database clamps are fully deterministic and always give consistent results no matter how fast the machine the test is being run on. Very useful!


Avoid the embarassment of your site falling over when only a handful of customers try to use it. Use database clamps!

Appendix: Better database clamps

A database clamp which uses Django’s assertNumQueries function will fail not just when the number of database queries increases (which is usually a problem) but will also fail when the number of queries decreases (which is usually okay, and even desirable).

In my own Django web application I use a custom version of assertNumQueries that still fails if the number of queries increases but only issues a warning (via warnings.warn(...)) if the number of queries decreases:

$ python3 test gradebook
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran 1 test in 0.758s


gradebook/tests/ UserWarning: 14 database queries executed, no more than 15 expected. Consider reducing the expected query count to match.

In addition, my version of assertNumQueries expects to be called from an automated test method whose name contains the word mdp (“maintains database performance”) and warns if it is being called from a test lacking that acronym. This restriction allows my engineering team to easily search for and run exactly those tests which use database clamps when making large scale changes that may break many database clamps at once:

$ python3 test $(python3 list_tests mdp -s)
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran X tests in Ys

OK (skipped=Z)

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